icon Rest In Power John Holt A musical hero that etched his name in the history books of Jamaica's unmatched musical legacy...a vocal genius that poured his heart out on every single he released...a poet whose lyrical content will stand firm in our heart...
icon Machu Ezra visits the 90's with 'Make You Weak' single/visuals In an era where artists seem to bounce sporadically between genres, very few have managed to blend sounds effortlessly while remaining true to their persona. Once such artist that continues to push the boundaries of creativity is Machu Ezra...
icon Bob Marley fifth best dead earner Forbes Magazine has named Bob Marley as the fifth highest-earning dead celebrity, with US$20 million for the period October 2013 to October 2014....
icon Ziggy Marley, Shaggy, Monty Alexander Up For Soul Train Awards The nominees for the 2014 staging of the annual Soul Train Awards have been announced and two Jamaicans have made the list....
icon Etana's ‘I Rise’ places her in a class of her own Etana is back and ready to rise to the top with her fourth album. I Rise follows the highly acclaimed Better Tomorrow (2013) and is set to gain even more success as it is one of the best, if not the best, of her entire care...
icon Sevana explains that she's a 'Bit Too Shy' on debut single Produced by Winta James and Protoje, the single bleeds raw emotions and captivating vocal gymnastics that is coupled perfectly with a walking bassline and instrumentations reminiscent of the sounds of the 70s'. 



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